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How do I register?

Simply fill in the form on this website: [click to REGISTER YOUR BOAT!]. If you have any questions or issues, give Sarah a call at 902-431-9917 during regular business hours, send an email to, or go to our Contact Us page.

How much money am I supposed to raise?

We don’t have a set amount per boat – although there are suggested amounts to aim for in the Race Package. But keep this in mind: not only does every dollar raised go directly to the volunteer-run Long Lake Park Association, each dollar is likely to be matched with between $2 and $4 of funding from different government and institutional community grant programs. That means if you raise $300, that can turn into $600 – $1,200 for the maintenance of this treasured park.

Where do my friends and family make a donation?

All donation options can be found on our DONATE Page.

Can a credit card be used for a donation?

Yes. Donations by participants and their supporters are made online via GoFundMe. Share this link with all your friends and family: [GoFundMe]

Can we make a donation on site?

Yes! There will be opportunities to make a cash donation, and to enter the 50/50 draw.

How do I determine which Class I should be in when I register?

If you’re unsure, then choose Open class. Or give us a call at 902-431-9917 during regular business hours or send an email to

How many rolls of duct tape do I get?

Six rolls of premium duct tape generously donated by 3M Canada. Each roll is 55m long, so six rolls can cover a lot! For those more technically minded, the specifications are: 55m x 4.8cm = 2.64 square metres. With a 25% overlap, this means you can get surface coverage of 1.98 square metres…which is approximately 21 square feet. And for you visual folks, just take a look at the pictures of boats to get an idea of how much that is!

What’s the scoop with the Maritime Paper pre-designed and pre-cut boat?

For a donation of $199 to the LLPPA, you can pick up a pre-cut boat that you tape together. This way you don’t have to source your own cardboard (and they have provided extra should you need some!), and you don’t have to worry about coming up with a design. We still provide you with the tape and you’re off to the races.

Where do I pick up my rolls of duct tape?

Stop by the POLYCORP head office at 339 Herring Cove Road during regular business hours (8:30 – 5:00). From the parking lot, enter the single door that says ‘entrance to second floor’. Come up the stairs and we’re the first door on the left, Suite 205.

Do you have any tips for constructing my boat?

We have all kinds of tips! Check out our construction tips page: [click to learn how to BUILD IT!]

Is there a minimum age required to participate?

Yes. Boaters must be at least eight years old.

What time do I need to be at the race?

All boaters should be on site at 11:00 am on Sunday, July 14, 2024 to drop off your boat and check-in at the registration desk. You’ll get your boat number which you will affix to the rear of your boat using – you guessed it – duct tape (that we will provide). If your crew hasn’t each signed a waiver and social media release, you’ll do so then.

What do I do when I arrive on site?

Inform the volunteer at the parking lot entrance that you’re participating in the race. You’ll be given access to the parking lot to drop off your boat (sorry – the parking lot is too small for you to stay parked there – drop off only). Once that’s done, head to the registration desk to check-in, get your boat number, and sign the waiver and social media release (unless you’ve already done so ahead of time).

How many heats are there?

Two or three, depending on the outcome of each race. Each boat will race once, paddling to a buoy, going around it, and paddling back. A time will be recorded. If you finish in the top group, you’ll put your boat back into the water for a finals heat. In 2023, we had some great times posted yet the boaters didn’t win their class, so we had decided to do another round for these speedy sailors!

How far is it out to the buoy?

It is approximately 80 metres to the buoy. You’ll paddle out, go around the buoy and paddle back to the finish line.

How do you choose which heat each boat goes in?

It all depends on how many boats are registered, in which class, and the number of crew members in each boat.

Do I need a lifejacket/personal floatation device (PFD)?

Yes. If you don’t own one yourself, the Long Lake Adventure Company is willing to loan one to you. We will get this arranged ahead of time on your behalf.

What if I don’t own a PFD?

If you don’t own a PFD, the Long Lake Adventure Company is willing to loan one to you. We will get this arranged ahead of time on your behalf.

What if I don’t own paddles?

If you don’t own paddles, the Long Lake Adventure Company is willing to loan two-blade or single-blade paddles to you. We will get this arranged ahead of time on your behalf.

What happens if I sink?

If your boat sinks, you and your boat need to return to shore. You’re not to float on it or swim with it. And if your boat falls apart and pieces are floating in the water, please collect them all!

Will there be a lifeguard on site?


When will the event be over?

We don’t anticipate the event running any longer than 2:00pm. We’ll begin the races at Noon, run the first heats, and then do any subsequent heats, including the final heat for the top times.

Are there prizes?

Yes. A much-coveted framed certificate for your mantel. Please stay until the end if you can. And if you must leave because you’re not in the final, make sure to pick up your participant certificate!

What do I do with my boat after the race?

If you’re able to remove it from the park and properly dispose of it, please do so. Otherwise, we will have a spot allotted for boats to be placed and disposed of properly by POLYCORP.

Will there be any food or drink on site?

No. We encourage participants to bring their own water and snacks, if necessary. Supporters and observers can bring food to enjoy while they watch the races.

Is there any seating for spectators?

There is no formal seating; spectators can sit at one of the picnic tables on site, sit on the grass or bring their own lawn chairs.

Are there washrooms on site?

Yes, there will be a port-a-potty on site.

Where do I park my car?

The parking lot will be used solely for drop off of the boats, after which you must move your car. You can park over at the Canadian Tire/No Frills/Lawtons mall on Dentith Road, park on a neighbouring street, or park at the upper parking lot of the Lakeview Trail.

Does the event run rain or shine?

In case of inclement weather, the rain date will be the following Sunday, July 21, 2024.



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